How to change settings in Contacts option.

How to change settings in Contacts option.

1. Log in to your PhoneMDM account at

2. Click the below shown Icon to get into the settings of the required device.

 3. After accessing the device configuration settings, select the Contacts option, which is the Third section on the left side.

4. In the Contacts options, there is a section called LDAP. The LDAP section includes the following sub-options:
  • LDAP Enable Switch: Allows you to enable or disable the LDAP feature. Example: Toggle this switch to "On" to enable LDAP.
  • Name Filter: Specifies the filter criteria for names in the LDAP directory. Example: Set this to cn=* to filter by common names.
  • Number Filter: Specifies the filter criteria for numbers in the LDAP directory. Example: Set this to telephoneNumber=* to filter by telephone numbers.
  • Hostname: The server address of the LDAP directory. Example: Enter as the hostname.
  • Base: The base DN (Distinguished Name) for searching within the LDAP directory. Example: Enter dc=example,dc=com as the base.
  • User Name: The username required to access the LDAP directory. Example: Enter as the username.
  • Password: The password required to access the LDAP directory. Example: Enter your LDAP password here.
  • Name Attr: Specifies the attribute used for names in the LDAP directory. Example: Set this to cn to use common names.
  • Number Attr: Specifies the attribute used for numbers in the LDAP directory. Example: Set this to telephoneNumber to use telephone numbers.
  • Display Name: Defines how names are displayed from the LDAP directory. Example: Set this to cn to display common names.

5. After configuring all the required settings in the LDAP section, click on the Save button to apply the changes.

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